Tuesday Tip of the Day (The Tactical Reload)
Tactical Reload
What is it?
A tactical reload is when you reload with a threat still present but at a time when you are capable of doing so.
Example - You have just faced an attack carrying your Glock 19 with 15+1. You fired 8 shots in the encounter but fear that your attacker may have accomplices that are not yet present. Instead of facing that threat with 8 rounds you make a tactical reload. You exchange that magazine for a fresh magazine with 15 rounds. You now have more rounds to face an immediate threat.
This is how to do it.
1. Use you weak hand to find you spare magazine and orient it.
2. Release the existing magazine with you strong hand/ gun hand. Let it drop to the ground.
3. Insert your fresh magazine making sure it is seated well by slamming it in.
4. Rack the slide.
Notes: To address a few concerns this is why we recommend doing this procedure exactly as described.
First we find the fresh mag instead of dropping the existing mag just in case a threat arises. We would not want to get caught with a gun having only 1 or possibly 0 rounds remaining. This method gives us the shortest amount of time without a magazine in the firearm.
Second, we drop the magazine to the ground. We can pick it up momentarily when we have a fresh magazine and our blaster is ready to work. Simply squat keeping your gun in the direction of the threat.
Third, we rack the slide. "But, but you are wasting a round!" Maybe. In a fire fight it will be very easy to loose count of how many shots you fired. We would rather rack the slide and possibly "waste" a round instead of potentially pulling the trigger and it going "click" instead of "BAM" when we need it most.
Dry Fire Drill
Dry Fire Drill for Tactical Reloads
Level - Beginner to Intermediate
Safety! See link for dry fire safety
Time Period - 20 Repetitions per day for a week. This drill will take at most 10 minutes per day
Orient your gun as if you have just taken out a bad guy.
Quickly scan for other immediate threats. If there are none execute a tactical reload following these steps.
- Use you weak hand to find you spare magazine and orient it.
- Release the existing magazine with you strong hand/ gun hand. Let it drop to the ground.
- Insert your fresh magazine making sure it is seated well by slamming it in.
- Rack the slide
Then scan for immediate threats. If there are none, find your dropped magazine with your foot using your peripheral vision. (Keep Scanning while doing this). Once you have found it squat down and retrieve it with your weak hand while keeping your weapon focused on where you anticipate other threats. Stand and get to safety and ( call 911 in a real emergency).
Range Drill
Live Fire Range Drill for Tactical Reloads
Level - Beginner to Intermediate
Safety! See link for live fire safety.
Time Period - 20 Repetitions as many days as you can for a week or two. Do a couple each time you are at the range.
From the low ready position. Acquire your target with your eyes first and then move your firearm up to shooting position, level with your eyes.
Engage your target with 2-5 shots (keep it random) until the target is down.
Quickly scan for other immediate threats. If there are none execute a tactical reload following these steps.
- Use your weak hand to find you spare magazine and orient it.
- Release the existing magazine with you strong hand/ gun hand. Let it drop to the ground.
- Insert your fresh magazine making sure it is seated well by slamming it in.
- Rack the slide
Then scan for immediate threats. If there are none, find your dropped magazine with your foot using your peripheral vision. (Keep Scanning while doing this). Once you have found it squat down and retrieve it with your weak hand